Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Something funny to start with

Chance got home kind of late from work. He came in, I asked him to start the grill. He changed his clothes, grabbed something to drink and headed outside.

I go out, put the food on; but before I went out, I put some water on to boil for mac and cheese. We sit outside a while longer, and I ask him to put some noodles in the water. I didn't say macaroni because he bought the shells and cheese kind, but I was having a word finding issue and couldn't think of shells.

He goes to take a bath while I finish cooking. I stir the noodles a few times and when they are done I drain them. I go to the bathroom to ask where the cheese is, and he looks at me like I'm insane.

Then he laughs. Oh, for macaroni and cheese he says. My turn for the why are you so dumb look.

He just poured in regular noodles. Not sure what I thought I was making.


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