Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bad Neighbor

A few months ago, I had a knock at the door. I opened it to find a very governmental looking man standing there with a clipboard in hand. He was interviewing my neighbor's neighbors. He had been promoted from his job of BIA officer to federal detective. Apparently he had moved to Montana. We didn't really notice they had been gone.

A few weeks after that, she comes back. I see her in the yard and ask when they are leaving, she says in July. They will be renting their house to a friend of her's with no children. Nice people she says.

Well she ended up needing surgery and they just left 2 weeks ago. She told me the first time we talked that they would be leaving behind their tom cat. He just wanders the neighborhood. He's like 15 or something.

When we first moved in I had to ask my grandpa (who took care of the house the 20 years it was vacant) whose cat it was because it was always laying on the porch of my house.

Yesterday Chance and I were sitting out front when here walks this deathly, ghostly looking cat. It's sides are sunk in, it hardly has the energy to walk. It didn't have enough energy to meow.

I ran in and grabbed some left over mashed potatoes and hamburger patties and put them in a bowl for it. Death cat ate some of the meat but seemed to be having a hard time with it so I went back in and got some 1/2 and 1/2. It loved that and drank almost all of what I put out instantly. After that it got up and walked over to it's own yard and laid in the sun.

Makes me want to send them a letter and tell them I think they are bad people for leaving that cat to starve.


Anonymous said...

i really, really hate it when people leave animals behind when they move. it is cruel, and insensitive. when i was a kid we move to TN, and the previous owners of the house left behind 3 cats... 3 tomcats, and 1 pregnant female. unbelievable.

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