Saturday, September 12, 2009

Defining Sally Saturday

So, after debating about what to do for a re-occuring theme, I've decided to start with myself, and all about me.

Let's start at the beginning shall we?

I have talked about my parents a little before, and their early history. Let's move them up for a few years.

My parents also met in high school, though they only dated for a short, short time. My dad actually dated both of my mom's best friends before he dated her.

My mom liked boys from out of town, (hehe) which is how she met my sister's dad. At 18 she was pregnant and on her way to be married.

My dad moved to Oklahoma City with his girlfriend, one of my mom's best friends, and eventually joined the navy. He was active for 3 years, all on a ship. The USS Grey to be exact.

When he got back, he had moved back to the hometown. He was living in a small trailer house near the car wash with his older brother. My mom was over washing her car, and he came over to ask her out. : ) How sweet eh?

Anyway, they got married a few years later, and in 1985 I came along.

We lived in Fort Cobb when I was born. It's a very small town about 600 people that is about 15 minutes from where I live right now.

When I was around 2 we moved a trailer house to the family farm. It's 100 something acres that was split in a trust between my grandma and her brothers. Now it's split between my grandpa and my great uncles children.

Growing up on that farm really shaped who I was. Don't let me mislead, though. It was a farm with cows and hay and tractors, but I have never done anything farm like. The closest thing to farm work I have ever done is get eggs from my grandpa's chickens or feed grass to my dad's goat.

That land is just rich with stories and memories though. My great Uncle, his son, my grandparents, and my parents all lived there at one time. My mom and grandpa are now the only ones left. That thought makes me sad, and if it weren't for the fact that it was out in the country I would love to build a house there. I would love to buy the land so that it didn't have to be shared. I'm greedy that way.

So, a little quick shot here. Next Defining Sally Saturday, we will have my childhood! Stay tuned


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