Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Classes I'm thinking about taking

THEORIES OF COUNSELING 6002 COUN -5543 W 3 Welch GL 20 20 08/19/2009 - 12/18/2009 ARR PSY117 (Web-Based Course)

MULTICULTURAL CONCEPTS 6009 COUN -5423 V 3 Ray S 20 5 08/19/2009 - 12/18/2009 W 05:15PM 07:45PM EDU213 (Interactive Video Course)

ETH/LEG/PROF STANDARDS 6008 COUN -5893 V 3 Neasbitt SK 30 10 08/19/2009 - 12/18/2009 M 08:00PM 10:30PM EDU203 (Interactive Video Course)

ADV PSYCH OF LEARNING 6687 EDPSY-5723 V 3 Barnett JR 25 22 08/19/2009 - 12/18/2009 M 05:15PM 07:45PM EDU201 (Interactive Video Course)

ADV ABNORMAL PSYCH6634 PSYCH-5633 V 3 Edwards JH 30 12 08/19/2009 - 12/18/2009 T 05:15PM 07:45PM EDU213 (Interactive Video Course)

Sorry for the jumbled mess, but I needed to save this information, but would also like to share my thoughts with the world.

I'm only 26 hours away from my masters in school counseling, but I just don't know if it's worth it. I don't really have a quiet place (As I type this, Chance is singing like a little gay girl, in a pitch only dogs can hear. It's a stupid nothing that he made up only to annoy me because I'm not to him.) to study or to keep up with my work.

The classes are night classes, so I wouldn't need a baby sitter, but I know Chance will hate having to keep Archer that late after working a long day.

I emailed my old graduate advisor, and I would only need to call the registrar to enroll, so my only obstacle right now is money! If only the world were fair.


Kristen said...

Congrats on looking into school counseling. I love my job as a school counselor - it was so worth the headache, time and money spent! Good luck!

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