Sunday, August 19, 2012


I am exhausted! It has been a whirlwind of a weekend.

Friday I drove Archer to my friend's house so he could spend the night. Chance was at the lake with his sister and brother in law, I chose to stay home and relax a little as the idea of riding a boat was most unappealing.

Saturday afternoon held a (very) small baby shower thrown by some of my favorite girls in the world and Saturday evening we took Archer to watch Paranorman. It was cute, but I would recommend an older age group for sure.

Today I had Sunday dinner with my family, which I do most weekends, and came home to do a few things around the house, including cooking dinner (which I screwed up). I feel like I'm just now sitting down to the computer for the first time all weekend.

The idea that tomorrow is Monday, which is just the beginning of another crazy week makes me want to hide in my bed under the quilt and refuse to come out. I'm still not used to life on a schedule again after summer break and it's kicking my butt.

This week I have a party at my moms, a doctor's appointment, shopping for the birthday party, and the big birthday bash on Friday. I'm going to be ready for a nap next Saturday, doubt I'll get one, but I'll be ready.

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