Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Archer

Happy Birthday to my sweet, crazy, bossy six year old! 

Is it possible that you're six? Or so ridiculously handsome? Or SO long legged? It seems unreal to me. 

I can remember very clearly holding you for the first time (and saying out loud that you looked just like Perpaw). You were a good baby. You didn't cry all the time (like your brother). You grew so fast and now suddenly you're a big boy

My sweet boy. I love how generous you can be (when you want to be). I love that you are so helpful and try so hard to make others happy. You're such a sensitive kid who is aware of others feelings. I love that you still like snuggles and aren't too big for hugs and kisses before school.


I love your silly self. You never cease to entertain me. You're quick witted and never miss a joke. You have the funniest faces I've ever seen. 


You've put us through quite a roller coaster already, but I can't wait to see what life is going gift us with in the future. Thank you for loving me and being mine. 

Love Momma. <3

Saturday, August 9, 2014

End of Summer

It's the last Saturday night of Summer break and I've been reminiscing about my time off of work. 

The last weekend in May my boys, mom, and niece and nephew went to a baby shower and got to see family we haven't in a while.

The first weekend in June was my 10 year class reunion. Five of the nineteen people I graduated with showed up. We still had tons of fun and definitely shouldn't wait 10 years to do it again.

Three days after the reunion, my little family went to Colorado. It was a bit of a hectic trip to plan, pack, load, and drive the first leg of the trip by myself, but I had some help from family that made it easier. We had SO much fun. The food was great, the boys loved being outdoors and walking around. The weather was fantastic, I'm missing the river cooled air for sure this week. And the hot tub on the deck of our cabin was pretty great too.

We spent 5 days away and came home to hot weather. The following week Chance left for work. They boys and I drove up that weekend to see him and take food for him and the guys at work. We stopped to have dinner and a playdate with my sweet friend and her kiddos. Archer still says he and Lyvi are getting married. Aimes was too busy following Archer to play with Foster, but I know when they're bigger they'll be best friends. 

Chance's next days off were my family reunion. We hit a slight bump in the road that day when my almost brand new galaxy broke. :( Then we headed down to Quartz Mountain and spent 5 days with my really awesome family. The weather was great, it wasn't the hottest place on earth, like it usually is and we had a lot of fun. 

I snapped this shot of Chance and Foster, who immediately upon walking into the kitchen demanded to take a "bap" in the "bink." I'm not sure if he heard someone say it or saw pictures, but it's definitely a family tradition to take a bath in the stainless steal sinks when your little. Anyway, this is something I'll cherish.

The last few weeks of June and early weeks of July were a little more relaxed and less chaotic. The only thing we really had planned was a trip to NYC, just Chance and I. Archer was so upset that he was being left, then when I called he was too busy to talk to me. Foster asked to "go 'om" when he talked to me, which was sweet and he ran up for hugs as soon as we got back. I definitely missed them, but the time alone was so refreshing and I LOVE New York City. I would go every year if I could afford it. 

The last few days of July and the first few days of August I went to my classroom and helped with enrollment. Got my desk where I wanted it, saw my schedule, and got all geared up for the new school year.

I'll post more in-depth vacation posts soon, I just wanted to get something up to remember my summer as a whole.

It was one of the best I can remember. It never got too hot, we got plenty of rain and my boys loved playing in it when it wasn't storming. It was a great balance between spending quality down time at home watching Harry Potter with Archer and snuggling with Foster and getting out and staying busy.

I'm going to miss my boys so much and the chaos of being the only caregiver two weeks a month really wears me down, but knowing I can look forward to next summer makes it all worth it. I can only hope it was as great as this one.

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