For example, we only had a booster chair, strap in type high chair that we used until very recently because it scooted right up to the table. It was portable and super handy.
We also had two bouncers, and Archer hated them. He hated being in them, so I didn't even bother putting him in it. We had a swing however that he loved being in.
I didn't buy a swaddler, had one handed down, but he hated it. I used lots of blankest, so they are a must. We actually still use lots of blankets.
We had a Johnny Jumpup, but it really didn't work at our house and he just kind of sat there.
We had an exersaucer, which he did like a little, but it was HUGE and took up so much space.
I wish I had gotten a wipe warmer, because he still cringes about cold wipes. I wish I had gotten a video monitor, because well, they rock. We didn't use the regular one because our house is so small we could hear him no matter where he was, but a video monitor would still be useful.
What else? What did you LOVE? What did you hate? What did you wish you had bought?
for either kid: pacifiers. lansinoh nursing balm and breast pads. a swing. a pack n play. (both kids used one before we got a crib) receiving blankets. (for spit up and changing pad liners when we were out and everything else) lots of short sleeved onesies.
for my daughter: she HAD to be swaddled, and i loved her miracle blanket. i used baby oil for her cradle cap. she also adored her jumperoo.
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