But back to the doll. The comments on said friend's facebook were almost shocking. Here are a few, "That just crazy...... What has happened to this world?" (By introducing a doll that allows a child to breastfeed? Really? It's a natural act. Really?) "Certainly no chance for them to learn about beauty being on the inside. :(" (Since when is feeding your child about beauty? Well, I take that back, it's so very beautiful, and awesome. It's one of the most wonderful things you can do for a baby, and the experience is pretty good too.) Here's my favorite, "The world has gone crazy. Disney teaches our little girls to dress like hookers and now they can nurse a baby doll? Morals have gone straight to Hell!" (Again, what exactly is wrong with teaching our daughters about breast feeding? I'm pretty sure plenty of people could get a good dosing of teaching about breast feeding, so that maybe this wouldn't be such an uproar.)
I don't think the doll is something necessary, as most little girls will breast feed their dolls if mommy is breast feeding a baby anyway, bra and nipples or not. But those comments just really pushed my buttons and I bit my tongue multiple times. Am still biting it at this moment.
PS, is it biting your tongue if you're typing? Or your fingers?
Many of the comments on the article's page are mind blowing as well, tying teaching children about breast feeding to teen pregnancy. Really, because feeding a baby in the most natural way possible is a direct cause of teen pregnancy. I don't think a baby doll fed with a bottle is a cause of teen pregnancy, right? The ignorance of some people....

Hahahaha about biting your fingers.
And I didn't even think to be offended (then again I'm a breastfeeding mother, lol). This doll did crack me up though, especially with the "flower nipple" halter top for the little girl, lol. I do think it's entirely unneccessary though because little girls will lift up their shirts and find their "boo-boos" as Roree calls them to mimic mommy anyways at least once. But offensive? No.
Agree, about the unnecessary-ness. But, one comment noted that the bra thing may be intended to keep the girls from lifting their shirt, which is possible. lol But still silly. I was more offended at the idiocy of some of the comments than the actual doll itself.
I feel the same way and left a similar comment on a blogger's post about how WRONG this doll was and how INAPPROPRIATE it was. I was like really? Because I think it's more inappropriate to treat breast feed like it's a shameful sex act. Society is teaching our girls their breasts are tools for men, and you can say you're protecting your child but what about at school and in the media? I learned about sex from other kids at school when I was in elementary school. I'd rather start teaching my daughter about the real reason we have breasts. To FEED OUR BABIES. Not for men to play with.
: ) For me even, it's not about the doll, but the ignorant comments resulting.
whoa.... comparing breastfeeding to our children dressing like hookers is absolutely part of what's wrong with this country. what the HELL do hookers have to do with breastfeeding? i mean seriously. oye.
And that's why I was asking for opinions, LOL. (On facebook, not here, btw. To anyone unaware of what I meant.)
Great Article...
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