So far, I KNOW that Archer is getting a few large toy items.
We got him a tricycle that he can use until he's big. He loves it, he's already pushing it around and driving it like a big boy. He even tries to use the pedals.
My parents got him a big Tonka dump truck that he fell in love with instantly. The first thing he did was push it around as soon as my dad took it out of the box. My cousins who are 3 and 5 have one each, and all the kids at my Poppy's love them. They even put the little kids, Archer mostly, in the bucket and drive them around.
And we also ordered that Playhut Mega Playland thing, it's like tunnels and a ball pit. It's supposed to be arriving today. It's 10 total feel long, but the good news is that you can use as many or as few of the tunnels that you want.
His mom said she is buying him a rocking bull. We just don't have room for big toys like that, but Chance's mom always buys things that are useless. I registered for a Bouncinette, and they bought this hideous rocker that didn't match anything we had. Chance wouldn't let me take it back, he said they didn't have to match. It's currently in the closet, Archer has never once sat in it.
So, since the birthday is tomorrow and the party is Friday, it's time to start getting rid of baby toys no longer played with and make room for the big boy toys!
Chance's parents have changed direction and got Arch a wagon. Thank the lord.
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